For some time now, some Western countries have been accused for meddling in the internal affairs of a number of African countries including Libya for selfish interests as opposed to the benefit of the ordinary people. The latest is Ethiopia where the West and the U. S have amplified a smear campaign and reportedly support rebels against the legitimate government.

Now, Ethiopians and friends of the Horn of Africa nation are calling upon Africans from all parts of the world to join them in not only rejecting the coordinated disinformation campaign against Ethiopia, but also expose the lies traded in the last more than a year.

These have noted that the continued meddling in Africa’s affairs by the West has left a number of African nations ruined and their resources squandered.

Nebiyu Asfaw a Social Justice activist and Co-founder, Ethio-American Development Council based in US has revealed in an interview that there is no better time than now for Africans to unite behind the #NoMore campaign and fail plans by the West to use the TPLF rebels over throw a legitimate government.

Nebiyu said that the No More campaign started as part of the one-year anniversary of the day the TPLF launched a war against Ethiopia and it is aimed at nullifying the disinformation circulated by the Western media against Ethiopia.

The Activist said that the Western media is demonizing Ethiopian government and the people by portraying victims as the oppressors and the oppressors as victims.

“The Western governments are cheering and helping the TPLF, this has silenced Ethiopia and they are willing to force the per pet regime that has always been a Western per pet who ruled Ethiopia for 27 years with an iron fist. They are the reason millions of Ethiopians fled the country like us and we are in the diaspora as we ran away from the brutality of TPLF,” Nebiyu said.

He noted that, “The campaign is a Pan African movement bringing all Africans together to end Neo-colonialism and modern-day colonialism where we are made to fight against each other as they come in to help minority groups and at the end, they are plundering our resources.”

Nebiyu observed that after failing Libya by killing their former President, Muamar Gaddafi, the Western powers are now targeting Ethiopia to turn it into ruins.

“We are saying that any issue we have in Africa must be resolved by Africans and we need African solutions for African issues; we want our sovereignty to be protected. Africa has never interfered in America’s internal politics, therefore US should not interfere in our politics,” Nebiyu said.

He added, “Ethiopia is fighting an African war and that is the reason why Africa needs to stand out with Ethiopia because if the Western countries succeed in Ethiopia, they will evade another African nation which could be Uganda.”

“We need to stick together, we need to stand up together, the only way out of this as Africans is through unity and this was reflected at the United Nations security Council when every single African voted No when they were passing a resolution calling for UN investigations,” Nebiyu noted.

Nebiyu explained that as Diasporas, they are talking to different Pan-Africanists around the continent, with the Caribbeans like Jamicans and all other black nations that are being targeted and are under attack.

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